my worst enemy is me... #birthday
The 2020 has being a hard year, however I'm fighting for me and the people around me. The eternal fight to become better every single day, make mistakes and learn with everything that I can to use around me. Sometimes the days are hardest others a little better but ever has something good to learn. This week I learnt a special thing "in the worst days keep going" keep going, it not import if was given one or middle step. Whatever, how much steps was given every single day, just keep going. Because in the wrost days will go there is something good.
the little things made every single day can building giant things, don't give up just keep going...
I not wanna a crazy goal to do and thinking about it next year I just wanna arriver at August better than I'm now. Up my English skills, read more book, save money however it not is just about make money but do something better, something better to whole live. I know that I can to go farway so farway how much I wanna go. The chalenge is building a upstair to out of this box, however how building it (knowledge) and use it to gonna where I wanna go! The fear of make mistake is lower than fear of not try something new.
Yesterday passed and what can be done at this time to become a little better and continue...